Tonight on the Bachelorette DALE. And then later, MORE DALE.
I think we all have a pretty good idea of what’s going down on The Bachelorette this season. Clare has her eyes on one man and one man only. The further we get in the more it becomes clear that Clare and Dale are leaving together. And it all might happens sooner rather than later.
We opened the night with Yosef absolutely embarrassing and disgracing himself on national TV. Good job bud. Way to make your family and daughter proud of you. You know what would have been less disgraceful than what you just did? Playing strip dodge ball. Glad to see Yosef walk out the door, good riddance.
Next up we plunge head first into the Dale show. Even though we are heading on a group date, the focus is solely on one person. Dale pulls Clare early and they spend the first hour of the group date making out. Most of the other guys aren’t too pleased by this and are getting a bit pissed at Dale. As other guys start to get some time, the tension of the group date settles slightly until Dale “accidentally” walks in on Clare and Jay talking, Clare insists that she “talk” with Dale a bit more and soon they are making out once again. Chasen goes to interrupt a few minutes later and Dale has to do an awkward walk out of the room to hid his boner. Classic Dale! Needless to say Dale gets the group date rose to kick off our week of Dale!
Next up we have a one on one date with Zach J and Clare. The date does not go well and it takes about 10 seconds before Clare is wishing she was with Dale. Things get even worse after a botched kiss between the two and Zach starts agressively grabbing her neck to try and pull her back in for a redo. I really did not enjoy watching this whole sequence with Zach trying to force a kiss from Clare. Thankfully Clare puts an end to the date and sends Zach home.
Next up we have the second group date that goes 100% focused on Dale. What starts off as a light hearted roast, turns into everyone attempting to bash Dale. The guys thought it was funny but Clare most certainly did not appreciate it. From there the night does not go well for the guys as Clare wants them all to explain why they were bashing Dale and none of them can come up with any real answers for her. The jealous boys end up seeing Clare walk away, rose in hand soon after.
It looks like next week will be the big break down of the season. No dates were teased in the teaser and we caught our first glimpse of the next Bachelorette, Tayshia Adams. Expect fireworks in the near future.