As we all slowly erase Clare from our memories, it’s time to dive into the second week of Tayshia’s reign as the Bachelorette.
We got two group date and a rose ceremony tonight. There was some drama brewing between Ed and Chasen all night that is likely to bleed further into the season.
Let’s start out with the first group date where we tried to determine who was the most grown ass man. Not sure who designed this test but it felt pretty flawed to me, apparently in The Bachelorette, requirements to be a grown ass man include: Answering basic spelling and math questions, winning a tug of war and finally being able to cook breakfast. Have any of you ever put a date through a math quiz to determine if they would be a good partner? Yeah I didn’t think so. Bennett is the star of the first half of this date after failing horribly at math and spelling, completely skipping the tug of war and then cooking an amazing breakfast for Tayshia. So I guess totally failing at 2/3 tasks makes you a grown ass man.
At the cocktail party Ben and Ivan stood out to me as the ones getting closest with Tayshia. Really the rest of the guys were almost absent from this part of the date outside of Ed and Chasen starting up their feud. Highlights of the feud included Ed saying “He called my legs chicken legs” and Chasen saying “it’s actually a large bro” both were equally amazing moments.
Onto the rose ceremony! Three guys get sent home, Montell, Peter and Jay. I’m not even sure if Peter and Montell got any screen time this entire season. They won’t be missed.
So now we start up a new week and head out on a group date. This was a terrible date where the producers decided it would be a great idea to have the men full on wrestling with each other. Yes great idea let’s put all the men in direct combat with each other, especially the ones that already are fighting with each other. When it came time for Ed and Chasen to wrestle, I was a little angry. What a pathetic decision by the Bachelorette producers to put Ed in that position. “Oh hey Ed, remember that guy that was threatening you and in your face last night? Well we decided to let him beat the crap out of you.” I was very happy when Ed bowed out because no way he should have been forced into the situation.
After Ed drops out, Chris Harrison asks if anyone is willing to take his place and Noah happily hops the fence to join in on the action. After a spirited battle, where Chasen was way too aggressive once again, Noah gets asked to join the rest of the date so obviously he says yes. Then at the cocktail party, Tayshia asks Noah to shave his mustache and he once again says yes. All this leads to Tayshia finally asking Noah if he’d accept the group date rose and once again he says yes. That’s a pretty sweet ride towards getting a rose right there.
That’s it for this week. Looks like we will be getting a few more dates and a rose ceremony next week and also might see Tayshia put her foot down on any drama going on in the house.