Another big character reveal tonight and a major plot event. The end of season 2 is going to be wild.

Well what should we talk about first: Boba Fett or Baby Yoda being kidnapped?

Well I was most excited about Boba Fett so let’s start there. He’s still a badass and as far as I’m concerned the instant star of the show. WE saw him earlier in the season and getting the full reveal was a real treat. He was smashing storm trooper with his Tusken Raider staff and then roasting everyone once he got his armor back. He’ll be a huge asset for the Mando for what’s to come.

Next up we’ve got Baby Yoda getting kidnapped by Dark Troopers. Well we knew something bad was going to come but that god damn Gideon has Grogu once again and is ready to perform experiments on him. Right on the heels of sending out his beacon to any Jedi out in the galaxy. Maybe we get a jedi reveal before the end of the season?

Very excited for the final two episodes and can’t wait to see how this ends.

The Mandalorian is on his way to meet up with Ahsoka Tano but first he needs to stop in Navarro for some repairs.

I quite enjoyed this episode. We saw some old friends, got a few new plot details and saw some amazing cuteness from baby yoda.

I enjoyed seeing Greef Karga and Cara Dune again, both were key characters last season so it was nice to pull them back in again. We may not see Karga again but the Rebels did try to recruit Dune so maybe so pops back up before the end of the season.

After the first two episodes feeling like complete tangents, it’s nice to be seeing some extra plot details with each episode again. Today we found out that the imperials had been using baby yoda’s blood for some sort of experiments on some unknown volunteer. Moff Gideon also had a tracker placed on the razor crest so that he can hunt down The Mandalorian and baby yoda. I like to see things moving forward even if it’s at a slow pace.

Lastly, how cute was Baby Yoda tonight? The scene where they were trying to repair the ship? Baby Yoda sitting in the desk? Baby Yoda using his powers to steal treats? I loved it, please give us more!

Things are starting to get interesting as The Mandalorian meets some Mandalorians.

So far this was the best episode of the season for me. We had lots of new information and some cool reveals and for the first time this season, I’ve really found myself craving more after an episode.

First up lets talk about our new Mando’s. Three new Mandalorians show up to save The Mando, led by Bo-Katan. Bo-Katan has popped up in other Star Wars stuff, so pretty cool to now see her in The Mandalorian.

The new Mando’s also remove their helmets and one question that has been looming over the series has been answered. Only The Mandalorians faction of Mandalorians refuses to remove their helmets. Bo-Katan refers to these Mandalorians as The Children of the Watch.

Next up we had a Moff Gideon sighting. Well it was a hologram but good enough for me. On top of Moff Gideon we find out that Bo-Katan is after his Dark Saber, so i think we will be seeing her again.

Finally we got a little teaser at the end of the episode that we will be seeing Ahsoka Tano this season! Pretty pumped about that as she was Anakin’s padawan and just a really cool character from the Star Wars universe that definitely needs more love.

This episode got me excited for what’s ahead and I can’t wait to get into the juicy part of this season!

The Mando is back and off to do another side quest as he continues his hunt for other Mandalorians.

The Mando has started this season off as a side quest beast. There was a lot of this last season as well but in the end most of his side quests circled around later in the season to play a part in the story. Hopefully that is the case once again.

This weeks side quest involved carrying a passenger who was trying to save their family line by getting her eggs to her husband. In exchange the Mando has been promised information about a cell of Mandalorians.

Shockingly things go sideways, leading to the Mando being chased by new republic X-Wings, crashing into a ice planet, being attacked by a spider horde and then being saved by those same x-wing pilots. A busy day for our Mando.

Oh and Baby Yoda eats a whole bunch of the frog ladies eggs.

So happy that season 2 of The Mandalorian is back! We pick back up with the Mandalorian on his new quest to reunite baby yoda with it’s people.

Not a ton going on in this episode story wise. We kind of get a general direction of where the season is headed and then The Mando gets sucked in on a side quest to help out some people in trouble, classic Mando!

So The Mandalorian is on a mission to reunite the child with it’s people and thinks that finding some more Mandalorians could help with that. So he follows a rumor about a Mandalorian spotting on tatooine. This is where we meet the Marshall, a dude who appears to be crusing around in some of Bobe Fett’s old armor and protecting a small mining village on Tatooine.

The Mando is obligated to take back the Mandalorina armor from the Marshall and return it to his people. Instead of killing the Marshall, Mando makes a deal to kill a Krayt Dragon in exchange for the armor.

After getting some help from the Tusken Raiders and an epic battle, the Krayt Dragon falls to the Mando. The raiders harvest the Krayt Dragon pearl and the Mando gets the armor while also saving the village.

We end the episode with a shot of some badass dude, all scarred up out in the deserts of Tatooine. He’s got some tusken gear on his back and look like he’ll be a factor for the Mandalorian before he leaves Tatooine.