The Mando is back and off to do another side quest as he continues his hunt for other Mandalorians.

The Mando has started this season off as a side quest beast. There was a lot of this last season as well but in the end most of his side quests circled around later in the season to play a part in the story. Hopefully that is the case once again.

This weeks side quest involved carrying a passenger who was trying to save their family line by getting her eggs to her husband. In exchange the Mando has been promised information about a cell of Mandalorians.

Shockingly things go sideways, leading to the Mando being chased by new republic X-Wings, crashing into a ice planet, being attacked by a spider horde and then being saved by those same x-wing pilots. A busy day for our Mando.

Oh and Baby Yoda eats a whole bunch of the frog ladies eggs.

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